Thursday, June 23, 2011

To Swaddle or Not to Swaddle.....that is the question!

My Sleeping Burrito!
 Who knew that my Son's desire to have his arms pinned tightly to his side while he sleeps would lead to our first parental "what should we do" struggle?  We spent every night up until about 2 months swaddling him extra tight with blankets.  Ronnie actually got really good at it and I would say he is a swaddling pro.  After about 2 months he started to get really good at getting out and this would lead him to wake up.   We found another must have baby product: (so far my list is Moby and....) Halo 2-in-1 sleep sacks!  This genious product is a warm cozy wearable blanket with "bat wings" that can do the arm pinning for you!   We used our size small sleepsacks until Logan was 5 months and his feet were starting to stretch out the bottom.  Finding the next size up was challenging.  Maybe kids aren't supposed to be swaddled this long thoughts started nagging me.  We decided to try leaving him unswaddled for a night to see what would happen.  He fell asleep fine, but woke up at about 10pm because he punched himself with his free hands.  Being back at work and not strong enough to miss any precious sleep we immediately swaddled him and he slept through the night.  About a month later I had a three day weekend so I decided that it was time to just bite the bullet and go cold-turkey with the swaddle.  I resigned myself to losing some sleep.  The first night he woke up again at 10pm (oh dear, are we going to go back to waking every 3 hours again???) but after about 10 minutes of watching him squirm in the monitor he FELL BACK ASLEEP for the rest of the night!  The next night he slept through the night!  Success....the first weaning experience was over!  We packed up the well-loved swaddle sacks with a feeling of pride.  I have now come to realize that while we stress over many different decisions  (pacifer, thumb, bottles, food, etc.) we are going to have to wean our children off of a few habits over their lifetime no matter how thoughtfully we make these choices. 

Friday, February 25, 2011

MMMMM......Yummy in my tummy!

I never knew that feeding Loganberry his first meal would be so much fun!  I agonized over the decision of what to make and decided that apples would be a great start.   He had been watching me eat apples for a few weeks and always reached out for them when he could.  I let him have one to suck on and he kept putting it back in his mouth. 

I purchased a steamer and blender appliance from BabiesRUs (gotta love the 20% off coupons!) and got to work making his first supper.  I peeled and chopped two apples and put them in the steamer.  15 minutes later I had apple goo!   I tasted it and it honestly tasted better than the applesauce I have always bought with all of the added sugar and stuff.  Amazing....why haven't I tried this before?

We have been putting Mister in his highchair for a few days to let him get used to it, so he is ready to go!  He looks like such a big boy sitting up in his high chair!  (sniff sniff ) 

First bite........

He had a sour face at first, but his little legs were kicking and he kept opening his mouth for more.  For some reason I felt a tinge of pride that I could provide healthy food for my baby boy and it makes me want to develop healthy habits for our family. 
My son is an eater!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

T-I-Double Guh-rrr-"Bouncing is what Tiggers (and Logans) do best!"

See him holding the yellow monkey ^                                                       
 My little LoganBerry is working on his vertical leap.....Ronnie told him that he has to have a 50inch vertical, so he practices every night.  He LOVES the jumper and goes crazy every time we put him in it.  The jumper is from Logan's pal Judah and it wasn't something that was even on our radar to purchase (surprisingly, since I feel like we have every baby product made!) but it has turned into one of those favorite items.  There is a little yellow monkey toy (along with 2 other animals) attached and he loves to stare at it.   Anyway, the jumper is a must have baby item! 

Look Mom...Both Hands!

So Logan has been formula fed since about 3 months (not by choice from me ) and so he is becoming quite the expert bottle drinker.  His fine motor skills are starting to improve and so now he is able to hold his bottle all by himself.  It slips occasionally when he moves his fingers, but for the most part he is able to hold it through the whole feeding.  It is really tempting to use my newly freed hands to check facebook on my phone,  but we are really trying to fast from all electronics (tv, phone, laptop) while Logan is awake so that we make sure we are giving him our full attention, so I just get to rub his head and feet instead!  What a big boy I have! 

You So Funny!

Laughing baby....enough said!  


Ticklish Spots:
-bottoms of feet
-side of tummy

The Ladies Love the Speedo

Ok, so grown men in Speedos are gross, but cute babies in Speedos are SUPER CUTE!  I am of course a little partial, but Logan looked adorable in his baby swim diaper.  We feel so blessed to have such amazing friends in our lives and having Katie and Mallory to try new, fun things with is so great.  Our latest new outing was to the indoor swiming pool in Bellevue.  They keep the pool really warm specifically for baby swimmers.  We walked into the pool area and Katie and I were both struck with the wave of humidity that washed over us.  It was so warm that we were having a hard time breathing in the hot air.  We got the babes in their swimming suits and waded in.  They loved it!  Mallory was a lot more vocal and expressive and Logan was just chillin.  They didn't even fuss when we put them all the way under water....what troopers!  It was so much fun and we are going to make swimming a regular activity!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Copy Cat

Logan loves to study our mouths while we talk, stick out our tongues, and blow raspberries.  He stares for a while and then attempts the acts himself.  Most of the time he can't quite get it and he gets very frustrated.  Here is a video of him trying to make cute!